Property Helpline Number

Monday 29 July 2013

7 Tips Before Purchasing Property

Critical Tips for Purchasing Property

It is true that everybody wants to own his or her own property but it is also equally true that, one should be very careful while deciding on the property. We are highlighting some critical factors for purchasing a property. It is always considered a tough task to go for the property purchase; this can surely be made easy and simple if you follow these tips.
These are some of the most important tips that will always assist you before purchasing your dream property.
Location Always Matters
It is always about the right neighborhood and the right location. It is important to note that living in the right neighborhood makes life a lot comfortable and hence experts say that you need to give a prior thought before deciding upon the location to purchase your property.
Also, you must check out whether the property is easily accessible, proper road, metro etc, facilities such as hospitals, schools, market, shopping outlets, eateries, and entertainment corners exist or not.
Basic Amenities
While buying your own property, you must check on basic facilities of water, power and sewage before finalizing your dream home. Shortage of any of any of these throughout the year or in particular seasons should be noted down so that you are well aware of the ground realities of your property.
Quality of Construction
This is very important. Quality of construction being used to build your property is something that you will have to live with, for the rest of your life so you need to examine it beforehand. You always need to take into account the construction quality of the house you want to purchase as this will help you understand the kind of maintenance it will be needing in the coming years to come.
Reputation of Builder
This also is an important aspect for buying a property and should not be overlooked. A little probe into the history of the builder will give you valuable information on his track record and the kind of projects that the builder has completed.
Resale Value of Property
You must evaluate the resale worth of the property you are going to purchase. You can also inquire about the supposed rent the property can deliver to you.
Stamp Duty
Buy a property for more than rupees one crore and you’re likely to have to pay big percentage of its price to the taxman. You must find out the exact stamp duty amount beforehand, so that you are better prepared.
Loan Facility
The most important thing after you make-up your mind to own a house is arranging the money and usually you will be required to facilitate a loan from a bank. Various loan schemes are available in the market from different banks. You should always compare the offering and look for the hidden charges etc before finalizing on to such long term investment plans.

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